
Blender News

Как выжить в эпоху нестабильных обновлений Blender?

3D визуализация нейросетей в Blender: Blender 4.2 и 4.3 ставят новые вызовы! Разбираем, что делать, если обновления вызывают проблемы, какие инструменты помогут их преодолеть, и как сохранить эффективность. Обратите внимание на необычный формат выпуска: ведущие, Искусственный Интеллект Аня и...
Blender News

Why The Blender Conference Blew My Mind AGAIN!

The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare; 🧡 Please consider donating to Blender; —————————————————————————————- 🔥Get my stuff: My Renderpreset: My Hard-Surface Modeling Course: My Fundamentals of...
Blender News

Comment utiliser l’armature sur Blender 4.2 ?

🎁 Formation gratuite Blender : Découvre comment utiliser l’armature sur Blender 4.2 pour animer facilement tes personnages 3D ! Dans ce tuto, je te guide pas à pas pour créer, manipuler et animer des armatures, idéal pour débutants ou...
Blender News

Modeling Clothes in Blender 4. 0 – Shirt Advanced level

Master the art of t-shirt modeling in Blender 4.0 with this advanced tutorial! 🎨👕 In this video, dive into advanced techniques for creating realistic, detailed t-shirts, from constructing the mesh to applying convincing textures and folds. 💻💡 Explore advanced modeling...
Blender News

Blender MAUVIEL Experiment #geometrynodes

New personnal experiment. ( 💾 Blend file ⬇️) Hero Product by Mauviel1830 The brand simplicity, legacy and exceptional craftsmanship guided this visual experiment Practicing a lot on my free time helps sharpening my skills Made with Blender 4.2 Rendered with...
Blender News

Modelling Sci-fi Powered Armour in Blender – Part 4: Power Pack

Continuing on the series I wanted to start to look at some of the additional utility brought by one of the free addons. Machin3 Tools Playlist: ND Playlist: Designing Sci-fi Powered Armour in Blender Playlist: Support the...
Blender News

Blender Conference 2024 Recap

Get a glimpse of Blender Conference 2024! Experience three days of the Blender Conference through the eyes of some of our speakers from this year. Explore the atmosphere, innovative projects, and the collaborative spirit that bring this annual gathering to...
Blender News

4 Methods for Adding Decals in Blender (Tutorial)

In this Blender tutorial I will show you 4 different methods for adding decals to your objects: Shader Nodes, Shrinkwrap Modifier, Stencil Brush, and Decal Master Addon. ▶️ Decal Master (Affiliate Link): ▶️ Addon Review Video: 📄 Fire...