Unreal News

Unreal News

Unreal News

Tips for Considering Accessibility While Developing | Inside Unreal

It’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day! In celebration of this, today we’ll be chatting about things to consider while developing your projects for greater accessibility opportunities. Most developers have come to the general consensus that making experiences more accessible is important,...
Unreal News

Tips for Considering Accessibility While Developing | Inside Unreal

It’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day! In celebration of this, today we’ll be chatting about things to consider while developing your projects for greater accessibility opportunities. Most developers have come to the general consensus that making experiences more accessible is important,...
Unreal News

Guardians of the Galaxy VFX Tutorial | FREE Sci-fi Assets Included!

Start telling your stories with HitFilm ►https://bit.ly/3H2ayLh Inspired by Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Create Blasters and Lasers for your Sci-fi Weapons & Magic Spells using this tutorial and the VFX assets we’ve provided. Free VFX Asset Download ► https://media.hitfilm.com/tutorial-project-files/Sci-Fi_Gun_Assets.zip...