

Blender News

New FAB Marketplace is Replacing the Sketchfab Store

▶️ Check Out My FAB Store: https://www.fab.com/sellers/Ryan%20King%20Art Epic Games has just released there new FAB marketplace. The FAB Marketplace will combine the Unreal Engine, Sketchfab, Quixel, and ArtStation Marketplaces into One Marketplace. ▶️ Links: • My Fab Store: https://www.fab.com/sellers/Ryan%20King%20Art •...
Blender News

Procedural Black Veined Marble (Material Demo)

▶️ Watch the Tutorial: https://youtu.be/NZrWP9SJ3Kc?si=vwVYJAtA1v_IzDy9 ▶️ Purchase the Material: https://ryankingart.gumroad.com/l/veined-marble ⭐ Ultimate Procedural Material Pack: • Gumroad: https://ryankingart.gumroad.com/l/ultimate-materials • Blender Market: https://blendermarket.com/products/ultimate-materials • Procedural Material Packs: https://ryankingart.gumroad.com/?query=procedural%20material%20pack&sort=newest • Procedural Material Tutorial Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsGl9GczcgBs6TtApKKK-L_0Nm6fovNPk ✅ Help Support the Channel: • Patreon:...
Blender News

VR Witchcraft! | Sculpt appealing character in Shapelab

30% discount on Shapelab (subscription and perpetual licenses) on the website: https://shapelabvr.com/pricing 30% discount on Shapelab on Meta PCVR store: https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/pcvr/shapelab-2024/7580970368593654/ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dannymac3d My Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/dannymac How to Sculpt a Stylized Head Course: https://dannymac.gumroad.com/l/stylizedhead My Art and YouTube Gear:...
Blender News

Generate SCARY Real Custom AI Voices!

Welcome to my latest episode, where I explore the incredible capabilities of Eleven Labs’ AI voice generation technology! In this video, I’ll be showcasing the new Voice Design tool that allows you to create unique and realistic voices just from...
Unity News

Unity 6の紹介

Unity 6 は、ユーザーのビジョンを実現するために、高速かつシンプルな開発体験を提供することに重点を置いています。 高速レンダリング、強力なライティングオプション、エンドツーエンドのマルチプレイヤーワークフロー、ダイナミックなAI機能、モバイルウェブランタイムのサポート強化を是非体験ください。 Unity 6 を今すぐダウンロード:https://urls.unity3d.jp/unity6releases Unity 6 の詳細はこちら:https://urls.unity3d.jp/unity6introblog Unity 6 日本語の情報ページはこちら:https://urls.unity3d.jp/unity6releasesjp
Unity News

Unity 6 徹底解説!テクニカルジャーナリスト 西川善司氏 バルセロナで見た Unity の未来

テクニカルジャーナリストの西川善司氏が、バルセロナで開催された Unite 2024 を現地取材!正式リリースされた Unity 6 の機能や特長について語っていただきました。 00:00 オープニング 01:47 会場について 03:23 基調講演について 04:30 Time Ghost について 08:29 Unity 6 のグラフィックスについて 09:08 ロードマップ について 10:48 AI について (Unity Muse / Unity Sentis) 13:42 Unity Web (WebGL)・WebGPU について 16:08 海外の Unity...
Unity News

Unity 6 is Here …Without the Awful Run-Time Fee!

Today Unity released Unity 6, and the good news is, people can actually use it! Previously Unity 6 was going to be the first version with the much hated Unity Run-Time fee, which thankfully has been scrapped. So in this...