Welcome to Blender Animation! This tutorial marks the second installment in my comprehensive series on animating in Blender. In my previous video, we delved into the fundamentals of scene setup, hotkey adjustments, and the essential 12 principles of Animation. In...
Jonathan Lampel from @cg_cookie goes through everything new in Blender 4.2 LTS. Joined by @harryblends covering Geometry Nodes. ➡️ Download Blender and read the release notes: https://www.blender.org/download/releases/4-2/ 🧡 Donate to help keep Blender alive: https://fund.blender.org 00:00 Intro 00:17 Extensions 02:16...
#VisionPro #geometrynodes In this episode, I am using Blender 4.3 beta and its new feature: Geometry Nodes for Grease Pencil. We could easily treat Grease Pencil like Curve geometry where we could easily resample it as points for instancing. NOTE:...
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