This video follows up on our earlier simulation of the Champlain Towers South collapse in Surfside, Florida ( It demonstrates the formation of air pockets within the collapsed structure allowing to identify potential zones of interest for search and rescue teams to plan escape routes or adopt first aid strategies for the rescue of victims.

The simulation result can be post-processed to visualize cavities within the debris heap. In this analysis empty space is represented by color-coded bubbles allowing the assessment where big enough air pockets for survival may possibly have formed.

Even though the initial distribution of the dummy dolls has been randomized and thus they cannot be used to trace back the fate of individuals, it can be observed that most of them ended up in very dense areas with very little chance of survival.

The authors hope to not distress relatives of victims with the application of dummy dolls in this simulation that have the sole purpose of tracking victims in potential cavities within the debris.


Simulation & video by Kai Kostack

Made with Blender + BCB + Fracture Modifier


The “BCB” structural simulation software has been developed at the Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Written within the scope of EU Inachus FP7 Project (607522): Technological and Methodological Solutions for Integrated Wide Area Situation Awareness and Survivor Localisation to Support Search and Rescue (USaR) Teams