The Learn to Make Games in Godot 4 by GameDev TV Humble Bundle:
This is a re-run of the GameDevTV Learn To Create Games in Godot 4 Humble Bundle that first ran back in April. It is only going to be running for a little over 2 days. It’s a collection of 2D, 2.5D, 3D, Shader and more courses for learning to create games using the Godot game engine.
There are several other GameDev oriented Humble Bundles on right now:
Learn to Create Games in Godot 4:
GFS Link:
Best of SYNTY #2 (Only a few hours left):
Blender Core Skills – CG Cookie:
Ultimate Unreal Mega Bundle:
Using the above links pays GFS a small commission (and thanks so much if you do!)
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