

Unity News

【Unity 6】VFX Graph の新機能を解説!遂にウェブでも VFX が利用可能に!?

2024 年秋にリリース予定の Unity 6 における VFX Graph の新機能および変更点について解説します。 WebGPU についての公式スレッド https://discussions.unity.com/t/early-access-to-the-new-webgpu-backend-in-unity-2023-3/933493 WebGPU サンプルビルド集 https://www.keijiro.tokyo/WebGPU-Test/ HLSL カスタムコードのサンプル https://github.com/keijiro/VFXCustomCode ドキュメントの “What’s new” セクション https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/whats-new.html
Unity News


レイキャストは特定の場所にオブジェクトやコリジョンがあるのかを確認するごく基本的で便利な機能ですが、多くの要素があるため初心者のうちは難しく感じてしまいがちです。 この動画では問題解決をするためのポイントを5つにわけて簡単に解説しています。レイキャストにお悩みのUnity初心者の方は一度ご覧になってみてください! 0:00 導入 0:31 レイキャストについて 2:01 5つのポイント 2:50 レイの可視化 3:57 レイヤーマスクの確認 4:26 復習 *この動画はUnity Koreaのアドボケイト、Goldmetalが作成したものを日本語訳し、合成音声で吹き替えたものです。
Unity News

Awesome Godot, Unreal and Unity Game Audio Bundle — Plugins, Sound Effects & Music

Audio Alchemy – Sound Effects, Music and Game Engine Plugins Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/software/audio-alchemy-premium-collection-sound-fx-music-and-game-engine-plugins-from-ovani-sound-software?partner=gamefromscratch This is a new game audio Humble Bundle by Ovani Sound containing tons of sound effects, soundtracks/music as well as dynamic game audio plugins for Unreal Engine, Unity...
Unity News

The Unity Run-Time Fee is Dead!

Exactly one year ago today Unity set itself on fire with one of the most ill advised business decisions in decades… the Run-Time fee. A blatant and overreaching cash grab that IMMEDIATELY faced backlash from the community. A year later,...
Unity News

Unity 7

At their recent developer conference Unity, Unity have announced details of the next generation of Unity (which I am assuming will be called Unity 7), as well as details about the ongoing support for the Unity 6.x branch. In this...
Unity News

Make Games

Unity’s there to support your game’s success – however you define it. What will you make next? www.unity.com/makegames
Unity News

Time Ghost | Unity 6

Time Ghost is the latest Unity Originals real-time cinematic demo developed by the team behind projects like The Blacksmith, Adam, Book of the Dead, The Heretic, and Enemies. Presented at Unite 2024 in Barcelona, it showcases what can be achieved...
Unity News

Rescue creativity with Unity Asset Manager

Welcome to Unity Asset Manager (https://unity.com/products/asset-manager), a digital asset management system tailored for the rigors of 3D asset creation. Organize your content all in one place and instantly find what you’re looking for (so you can focus on creating). Time...