

Unreal News

Introducing Epic for Indies | Inside Unreal

Join us this week as we discuss the newest addition to the Epic Developer Community – Epic for Indies. https://dev.epicgames.com/community/epic-for-indies Epic is committed to indie developers everywhere. Being game devs ourselves, we have a long-standing desire to help you succeed....
Blender News

Creating a perfect T-Junction pipe in Blender

A great request and one I wanted to take a bit further as tutorials on making a T-junction pipe often misses some important details on how you need to alter your technique for some modelling projects. Handles/Pipes Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/nrp9XhlH7cc Support...
Blender News

Ultimate 3D Sculpting & Character Mastery Bundle by FlippedNormals

Flipped Normals Ultimate 3D Sculpting & Character Mastery Bundle: https://humblebundleinc.sjv.io/FlippedNormals_Sculpting_and_Characters_Bundle https://bit.ly/4gSXPKi This 3D artist focused Humble Bundle is a collection of courses (downloadable locally as videos) covering 3D Sculpting and Characters, mostly using ZBrush, but also with a mix of...
Unity News

The Best Frameworks For Game Development

Let me start this by saying, there are no “best” game development frameworks. The value and use of a framework varies massively from project to project and developer to developer. That said, according to YouTube “Best Game Development Framework” is...
Blender News

Blender 4.3 Is Going to Be AMAZING!

Blender 4.3 Beta is here and today I will showcase some of the best new features. In all honesty, this is shaping up to be my favorite version of Blender yet. One of those releases that once you get used...
Blender News

Universal Human: Customisable Proportions

Rigged base mesh for Blender, available now on Gumroad https://gum.co/EqNTn Music by me Website: https://www.chrisj.com.au Gumroad : https://gumroad.com/cjones Twitter: https://twitter.com/cjones3D W.I.P. https://blenderartists.org/t/human-progress/1143224
Blender News


Hand made in Blender. No scans or mocap. Music by me. More info: https://blenderartists.org/t/human-progress/1143224/2190 Upscaled from 1080p to reduce compression artefacts. https://sites.google.com/view/universalhuman Tweets by cjones3D https://www.chrisj.com.au/ Thanks for the comments!
Unity News

【日本からのノミネート作品】Unity Award 2024 – Industry – Japan Nominees

今年もゲーム、産業、アセットストア、コミュニティなどクリエイティブで卓越した技術性を持つ Unity 作品を称える祭典が開幕! Unity Awards は、クリエイターのコミュニティが一堂に会し、創造性、影響力、卓越性をグローバルに称えるアワードです。 Unity Award 2024 https://unity3d.jp/16th-unity-awards/