Just wanted to put all the skills I’ve learned while doing YouTube into a single video, we’ve really come a long way since the beginning :)
If you wanna support my mission to save new Game-Devs valuable time learning this stuff, please consider joining the Support Squad below!
https://www.youtube.com/@TheRoyalSkies/join https://www.patreon.com/RoyalSkies
If you ever need 3D assets, you can find her on my ArtStation Store:
Hang & Chill with us on Discord here: https://discord.gg/TdkyE9yZZ4
#gamedev #blender3d #3dart
If you’re interested in commissioning my 3D services; You can find my pricing in my “Commissions Video” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tm_7UgOWfY&t=1s
And, all business inquiries must be mailed to the following address – (Do not send attachments or links, otherwise I will assume the mail is spam or malware: “theroyalskies@outlook.com” –
Royal Skies – Video Editor Portfolio
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