

Unity News

Maximizing User Acquisition During the Holidays with Unity

The holiday season is crucial for driving massive scale in your app. Watch our webinar hosted by Unity’s experts to help you maximize your user acquisition during this high-impact period. Hear from: Emmanuel Bergman, Manager, Creative Studio on proven strategies...
Unity News

-Roll a Ball- Unity 6で作る簡単3Dゲーム

Unity初心者向けの3Dゲーム制作チュートリアル「Roll a Ball」Unity 6対応版です。 Unityの操作方法から解説していますので、授業や研修などにもご活用ください。 Unity HubとUnityのダウンロードについては下記をご覧ください。 https://unity.com/ja/download この動画で使用するスクリプトは下記サイトに掲載しています。 https://gist.github.com/yoh7686/d5eb394b14ce0bbf3593e9b7b024723a 0:00 オープニング 0:28 Unity操作の基本 2:17 ステージの作成 6:12 プレイヤーを動かす 14:49 Itemの配置 18:29 得点と時間の表示 Text Mesh Proで日本語を使いたい方は下記の動画を参照してください。
Unity News

The State of Unity

Unity have undergone massive changes since the ill-fated Unity run-time fee disaster, including a complete reworking of the leadership team. This week Unity had their first financial disclosure since the new CEO took over. Today we look at statements Unity...
Unity News

Awesome Unity Course Bundle by GameDevTV

The 2024 Learn Unity Game Development Humble Bundle: https://humblebundleinc.sjv.io/LearnUnityWithGameDevTVBundle This bundle from the excellent folks at GameDev.TV contains several courses for learning the Unity game engine, from getting started to VR/XR and creating full games such as a Turn Based...
Unity News

Optimization for web, XR & mobile games in Unity 6

In today’s fast-paced gaming world, optimization isn’t just an option, it’s essential. Whether you’re targeting the web, pushing the limits of XR, or reaching millions on mobile, the tools and processes to identify and fix bottlenecks are similar. In this...
Unity News

Playable Worlds on making a living galaxy with Unity

Raph Koster talks about how the Playable Worlds team tackles the massive technical challenges of building a living world on a massive scale in Stars Reach. Timestamp: 0:00 Creating the largest living game world 1:47 Scaling up with DOTS 5:08...